about action
action in 2021

About this Update2021

Like in 2020, our Update2021 places a strong focus on our Action Sustainability Programme (ASP), and our related activities and performance. As our business increases in size and impact, we feel we need to be more transparent about this important part of our company.
Within our new Action Sustainability Programme, we have established KPIs to measure our progress. We have comparative data for earlier years for some of these measures, but not for all. For some topics, we cannot yet measure our performance. In the years to come, we will continue to expand our management information system on our ASP topics. As a result, every year, we will be able to report in more detail.
This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards core option. The sustainability measures in this report have not been externally assured.
If you have any comments or questions about this year’s Update or our Action Sustainability Programme, please contact us at press_EU@action.com.
Action recognizes the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) as a useful framework for assessing and reporting on climate related risks and opportunities. The TCFD recommendations are organized around four areas that represent core elements of how organizations operate: governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets. These areas are interlinked and are designed to function together to provide an effective climate change risk management framework.
To better understand and articulate the risks that climate change poses to the company, Action has signed on as a supporter of the TCFD. We are now at the beginning of a journey to deepen our understanding of, and response to, climate change. In due course, we will disclose how Action assesses climate-related risks and opportunities and embeds climate considerations in its governance, strategy, and risk management. We are already following TCFD definitions in the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions metrics and targets shared in the Planet section of this Update.
Action recognises it has many different stakeholders, all key to our growth and success. In 2021, we consulted them to progress our Social Responsibility strategy to the Action Sustainability Programme. The table below highlights how we engaged each of our key stakeholder groups and which topics they found most important for us to include in our strategy.

We used the valuable insights from our internal and external stakeholders to determine our focus areas for the Action Sustainability Programme and for this Update2021. Based on the 2021 stakeholder engagement process, we plotted the stakeholders’ and our own interests to highlight our most important – or material – topics.
The table below provides an overview of our material topics.

This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: core option.

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This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: core option.
We used the valuable insights from our internal and external stakeholders to determine our focus areas for the Action Sustainability Programme and for this Update2021. Based on the 2021 stakeholder engagement process, we plotted the stakeholders’ and our own interests to highlight our most important – or material – topics.
The table below provides an overview of our material topics.
Please swipe to see full graph
Action recognises it has many different stakeholders, all key to our growth and success. In 2021, we consulted them to progress our Social Responsibility strategy to the Action Sustainability Programme. The table below highlights how we engaged each of our key stakeholder groups and which topics they found most important for us to include in our strategy.
Within our new Action Sustainability Programme, we have established KPIs to measure our progress. We have comparative data for earlier years for some of these measures, but not for all. For some topics, we cannot yet measure our performance. In the years to come, we will continue to expand our management information system on our ASP topics. As a result, every year, we will be able to report in more detail.
This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards core option. The sustainability measures in this report have not been externally assured.
If you have any comments or questions about this year’s Update or our Action Sustainability Programme, please contact us at press_EU@action.com.
Action recognizes the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) as a useful framework for assessing and reporting on climate related risks and opportunities. The TCFD recommendations are organized around four areas that represent core elements of how organizations operate: governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets. These areas are interlinked and are designed to function together to provide an effective climate change risk management framework.
To better understand and articulate the risks that climate change poses to the company, Action has signed on as a supporter of the TCFD. We are now at the beginning of a journey to deepen our understanding of, and response to, climate change. In due course, we will disclose how Action assesses climate-related risks and opportunities and embeds climate considerations in its governance, strategy, and risk management. We are already following TCFD definitions in the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions metrics and targets shared in the Planet section of this Update.
Like in 2020, our Update2021 places a strong focus on our Action Sustainability Programme (ASP), and our related activities and performance. As our business increases in size and impact, we feel we need to be more transparent about this important part of our company.
About this Update2021
